(What dreams will they be able to eat in this world from now on?)」...
◆「Wishing For A Wish Tree」...
◆「波乗り少年と街の清掃係(A Wizard Boy can't win the cleaner in this town)」...
◆「Trick or Treat and Trains」...
◆「語られざる鉄道風景(C.T.W.'s Ordinary trainscapes)」...
◆「ヴァケーションはソーダ水の泡と共に(Soda Float Hotel)」...
◆「石の記憶が作る夏の思い出(Tears of blue stone with the memory of ocean)」...
◆「何度目かの旅を始めるこの場所で(A journey that was not over after all)」...
◆「故郷の味、望郷の想い(Taste of Missing Home)」...
◆「娯楽の殿堂、人生の坩堝(Life Goes On...,Show Must Go On And On)」...
◆「色とりどりの花が咲く季節に(CTW's most blossom season) 」...
◆「街の色を染める音,街の色に溶け込む音(The sounds and colors that stain (or blend) this town」...
◆「着飾る都の流行の装い(Recent fashion trends in the dressed-up city)」...
◆「或る中古UFO販売店店員の悩み(Unsold Flying Objects)」...
◆「ゼンマイ仕掛けのカルガモの親子と蒸気の幻影(The One Moment @ the Some Junction)」...